Juden Chan Recharged" (also known as "Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan!!" in Japanese) is an ecchi science fiction comedy anime series that focuses on the adventures of "Chargers," beings from a parallel wo...

6.50 6.64 646

The story of Happy Lesson revolves around five teachers who find themselves sharing a home with a disturbed and uncaring orphan and their unusual plan to take on the role of mother figures to help him...

6.80 6.63 332

In Kashimashi, a young high school student named Hazumu Osaragi confesses his love to Yasuna Kamiizumi, a classmate and close friend, but she rejects him right away. Hazumu, who has given up, climbs M...

6.80 6.64 471

Mountain climbers Gorou Saruwatari and Jack "Lostman" Woodbridge have scaled some of the world's tallest peaks. They are inspired to travel to space after seeing the International Space Station from t...

7.10 7.16 644

The three makes their home on a stage built in Hideki's daikon patch in Tokyo's Nerima district. They envision turning the area into a concert dome where they may play in front of packed houses. They ...

7.40 7.30 478

Jin Kazama and his mother, Jun, have had to face numerous obstacles as a result of their family's martial arts training. The two are powerless against the horrific demon that invades their home and ha...

7.00 6.59 909

The story of Venus Versus Virus centers on two teenage girls named Sumire Takahana and Lucia Nahashi. Sumire and Lucia first came into contact when Sumire learned of Lucia's mysterious past as a membe...

5.80 6.35 440

The sun started to emit more energy in the first year of the new era (2012). A few years later, extremely powerful offspring known as "Allergies" started to be conceived. 13-year-old Amuri Kakyoin was...

5.72 529

Amano Sakogami is a young woman with an abnormally high incidence of ill luck. She accidentally enters the Better Fortune Research Organization's clubroom one day. The organization is made up of a guy...

6.30 540

The story of Happy Lesson revolves around five teachers who find themselves sharing a home with a disturbed and uncaring orphan and their unusual plan to take on the role of mother figures to help him...

6.40 6.79 411

Guitarist Yuki and drummer Santa decide to start a new band after the dissolution of their previous one. They enlist the help of the youthful bassist Towa, the guitarist Atsuro, and, after much coaxin...

7.00 7.34 535

In addition to being charming, cool, athletic, and a wonderful cook, he is also a clean freak. Everyone reveres and idolizes Aoyama, yet because of his mysophobia, they can only watch him from a dista...

6.50 6.97 475